Course curriculum
Pre-course Admin
Resources Self Regulation
Resources Check in forms & practical exercises
Resources Online Health
Resources Other
Pre-course listening
Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Congratulations On Your Successful Completion Of The Training
How to use this course Trouble shooting guide for students to trouble shoot any errors in accessing the system use the link below Introduction to your Teacher -
Self Regulation / Relaxed body tips How to Wet Noodle Tension release exercises 8 Somatic Experiencing Techniques Video : Activating the vagus nerve - quickly turning on the rest and relax response (parasympathetic) Audio only : Activating the vagus nerve - quickly turning on the rest and relax response (parasympathetic) Vagus nerve activation - anti-stress response - explanation slide -
Check in with myself sheet -
Online health resources -
Tips on being a good practitioner ace-questionnaire Useful articles & free resources Development Trauma handout The Drama Triangle handout Drama Cycle diagram Trauma to Transcendence Power questions Compensations or Strategies that the Child develops - still playing out in childhood A few tips to help you move along the road - authenticity is critical with trauma - the chances are they have had minimal to no honest people showing up for them -
Introductory thoughts Chatty recording from another program - dysregulation/regulation/ACE/what do people want from a practitioner Conference presentation 1.5 hours -
Day 1 Week 1 Trauma to Transcendence Slides Welcome Introduction, Agenda, How to get the best out of the program, the learning cycle Feedback from the group about being regulated and relaxed & dysregulated what does it look like. What goal should we have about how we live our life and where are we against that? Completing the Ace survey / Q&A / generat chat about what it means that most people are traumatized Nugget on safety - general chat about safey and practitioner Trauma roles & Trauma strategies for survival -
Day 2 Trauma to transcendence - student slides Welcome & intro to Group share After weekly share & Q&A & Why are we here - one perspective. Activating the vagus nerve - quickly turning on the rest and relax response (parasympathetic) Audio only Activating the vagus nerve - quickly turning on the rest and relax response (parasympathetic) Feedback after the Vagus activation exercise - for one week please do this every day and see the impact! Recap Additional roles we play, Adult, Child, Parent - knowing which role to play when is key and can be the cause of many disruptive relationships when we are in the wrong role Shifting our perspective - others behaviour is their stuff. 1% gains in the world - baby steps. And the goal that we have from trauma to transcendence. Carrying on with perspective Homework & Perspective contd, Trauma definition / tell tale signs of trauma / different kinds of trauma / intro into early dev trauma / intro mirror neuron emotional regulation & TAPPING PROCESS Vagus nerve activation - anti-stress response -
Day 3 Trauma to transcendence slides Introduction to the week & welcome Q&A / our body defence systems / Recovery journey / Bio Hack:Self regulation-relaxed body / belly breathing & Tension release The nervous system / creating space / how that shows up in the system / beneficial, acute & toxic stress HPA Axis and the stress response - what is it and what are the consequences HPA Axis stress response contd Feedback from the group / growth period / bringing into balance / stress reward for our program (good and bad) & Homework -
Welcome & Grounding Reminder before we start / Reminder regulation / interoception / Recap Additional info re chemicals during stress response, Additional parts of the brain, how does repatterning help Programming / Adaptation & mitigation strategies / Range of tolerance / stream of awareness / Ladder of regulation Day 4 Trauma to transcendence slides -
Day 5 Trauma to transcendence slides video1357256431 video2357256431 video3357256431 video4357256431 video5357256431 video6357256431 video7357256431 -
Day 6 Trauma to transcendence video1472753007 video2472753007 video3472753007 video4472753007 video5472753007 video6472753007 video7472753007 video8472753007 -
Your Feedback Congratulations On Your Successful Completion Of The Training!
Founder Rapaid Repatterning & Master Instructor
Dr Suzanne Ravenall B.Msc. M.Msc. Msc.D.
Suzanne is a modern day explorer of human potential, she is an entrepreneur, transformation Coach, consciousness engineer, CEO, key note speaker & integrative medicine practitioner. Suzanne has a successful corporate career, she went onto build a successful business, racked up a number of international Top Women & Leadership awards, and while doing so, covered up great trauma. She then pivoted and dedicated her life to understanding how and why we behave as we do and in doing so, has helped many people adventure & discover their true nature, uncover how current challenges stem from decisions taken when we were too young to remember, how to release & clear the patterns that continuously compel us to create and/or repeat these same patterns that cause pain and suffering. She provides a framework to leverage these in a practical way to achieve the best easiest happiest most fulfilling version of ourselves.