Course curriculum
Pre-course Admin
Videos on: Understanding our ANS / Emotions / Mind / Brain / Patterns / Perspective
Demo's building over time
Week 1 Day 1
Week 2 Day 2
Week 3 Day 3
Week 4 Day 4
Week 5 Day 5
How to use this course Trouble shooting guide for students to trouble shoot any errors in accessing the system use the link below Introduction to your Teacher New Delegate List July 2021 Mentors allocation for Unconscious Patterns July 2021 14267 Resonance Repatterning Welcome Pack Session notes template -
Links for free online pianos, apps and links for toning the notes Cricket Chorus Self Regulation / Relaxed body tips Self Regulation Wet Noodle Feelings & Needs lists Tips on being a good practitioner PLANETS - intro / meaning / body parts ruled / natural consciousness / pathalogical consciousness / what we are doing in a session Quantum healing codes download 26 Jin Shin Jyutsu energy locks Brainwave Symphony Link Makka Ho exercises - credit heart mind body system Brainwaves handout -
Guidelines of the mind Role of emotions Autonomic nervous system The Brain & Neuroplasticity Where do our patterns come from Perspective & why we repeat our same old patterns Brainwaves more detail What are Neurotransmitters What do brainwaves mean - credit Sci Sych Show -
Recording / Demo problems into opportunities from fundamentals Session notes to go with walk through demo problems into opportunities from fundamentals Intention for a new possibilities session notes to go with recording demo walk through from fundamentals Session Demo/Walk through Recording Intentions for a new possibility from Fundamentals Session Demo/Walk through Integration for Integration for Growth incorporating modelling for short energy constriction, holding space, how to overcome a mistake and when you receive an odd muscle checking answer Sessions notes to go with Integration for Growth Introduction Reptilian Brain Repatterning Demo/Walk through Reptilian Brain Repatterning also modelling when not a lot of information is volunteered, don't need to push let it unfold over time. Sessions notes reptilian brain repatterning Introduction Breath Repatterning and modelling holding space Demo/Walk through Breath Repatterning Session notes breath repatterning Introduction Compensation Repatterning Demo/Walk through Group session Compensation Repatterning Sessions notes Compensation Repatterning Session notes Parental Repatterning Demo/Run through Parental Repatterning plus Q&A Demo / run through Earlier Experience Repatterning plus Q&A Session notes Earlier Experience -
Slides incorporating program overview & homework Welcome, Q&A, Orientation by Tabitha, Group reflection & feedback, Perspective Video, Presentation on RPA & Membership by RPA president Sophia Fusion, slow walk through whilst doing session -
Slides incorporating program overview & homework Welcome & Orientation, Quantum Healing Codes, Cranial contacts, Focussing Breath & Continuous Breath General discussion & Q&A Intro to content session and & general Q&A Group Feedback - Where do our patterns come from / Challenges of being a practitioner Group Feedback - Autonomic Nervous System Group Feedback - Brain & Neuroplasticity Group Feedback - Following Guidelines of the mind -
Slides incorporating program overview and homework Welcome, Introduction, Orientation, additional items for process guide, new considerations, Q&A, intro to group work Group feedback Q&A Brainwaves handout Brainwaves more details video Demo Integration for Integration for Growth incorporating modelling for short energy constriction, how to overcome a mistake and when you receive an odd muscle checking answer Sessions notes Integration for Growth Q&A Integration for growth & Close -
Slides including program overview & homework Welcome, introduction & Orientation What do brainwaves mean - credit Sci Sych Show Neurotransmitters Introduction Reptilian Brain Repatterning Demo/Walk through Reptilian Brain Repatterning Sessions notes reptilian brain repatterning Introduction Breath Repatterning Demo/Walk through Breath Repatterning Sessions notes breath repatterning Introduction Compensation Repatterning Demo/Walk through Group session Compensation Repatterning Sessions notes compensation Repatterning 26 Jin Shin Jyutsu energy locks - credit Sophia Avrimedes Makka Ho exercises - credit heart mind body system & History -
Slides, Program overview & Homework Unconscious Patterns summary and seeing the linking parts Welcome, orientation, nodding head, water, Chi Kung Bounce, holding & circulation, Q&A Laughing Breath Introduction Parental Repatterning Session notes Parental Repatterning Demo/Run through Parental Repatterning plus Q&A Introduction Earlier Experience Repatterning Demo / run through Earlier Experience Repatterning plus Q&A Session notes Earlier Experience Introduction Diffusion